Stephan Bögel was born in 1983 in Münster. He lives and works in Berlin.

After his diploma in computer science in 2011, he was accepted as PhD student. In 2012 he had a teaching assignment for interactive video installations at the Film University Babelsberg. In 2013 he started his photography studies at Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in Berlin. He graduated in 2016 in the class of Werner Mahler. He is winner of the Gute Aussichten 2017/2018 award and was nominated for C/O Berlin Talents Award 2017 as well as Unseen Dummy Award 2017. His work is shown nationally among others at NRW Forum Düsseldorf as well as Deichtorhallen Hamburg and internationally at Zhongshan Art Museum, China and in Hanoi and Mexiko City.


2013 - 2016
Studium Fotografie, Ostkreuzschule Berlin, Abschluss bei Werner Mahler

2003 - 2010
Studium Wirschaftsinformatik, TU Dresden, Abschluss bei Werner Esswein
Studium Regionalstudien Lateinamerika

W29, Waldemarstraße 29, Berlin, Senic Utah (Einzelausstellung)
Was ist ich? Auseinandersetzung zum Selbstportrait, Sprechsaal, Marienstr. 26, Berlin

Deichtorhallen Hamburg, gute aussichten – junge deutsche fotografie 2017/18
Buenas Perspectivas 2017/2018, Museo de la Cancilleria, Av. República de El Salvador 47, 06000 Ciudad de México
Festung Ehrenbreitstein, Landesmuseum Koblenz, gute aussichten
keep your eyes peeled IV, aff Galerie, Berlin
Zhongshan Art Museum, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China, Again · See
Ausstellung Modefotografie in der Kunststiftung Sachsen Anhalt
Was ist ICH - Auseinadersetzung zum SelbstPortrait, aff Galerie, Berlin
Goethe Institut Hanoi, Vietnam, gute aussichten
NRW Forum Düsseldorf - gute aussichten

Arles, Voies Off, Fotohaus, Rue de la Roquete 7
Libken Werkschau – Offene Ateliers Brandenburg
tête, Schönhauser Allee 161A, Berlin, Strategies – here i am

European Month of Photography EMoP, Kühlhaus Berlin, ZEHN

Robert Bosch Foundation, Goethe Institute Croatia, Zagreb, Abandoned Premises

Filmkörper Syntopischer Salon – insuperable distance, Neuer Markt Potsdam,

gute aussichten – junge deutsche fotografie 2017/18
C/O Berlin Talents Award, Finalist
Unseen Amsterdam Dummy Book Award, Finalist
Landskrona Dummy Book Award, Finalist
9. Kassel DUMMY Book Award, Photobook Week Aarhus, Sofia Art Book Fair, Organ Vida Zagreb, Fotofestiwal Lodz, FotoLeggendo Rome, Photobookfest Moscow, Photo Ireland, Istanbul Photobook Festival, Shortlist


C|O Berlin Magazine No. 16, Scenic Utah
Gute Aussichten 2017/18, Ausstellungskatalog

Scenic Utah, Künstlerbuch, Eigenverlag